LETTER Does support for protests go beyond gun violence?
Does support for protests go beyond gun violence?
This open letter is addressed to our local and national school administrators concerning an article published March 6 edition of the Observer Reporter, “Local students planning walkout over gun violence.” Having served 49 years in both basic and higher education, no one feels the pain and anguish of losing 17 lives – both students and teachers – as I do. My prayers will always be with those who lost their lives and those who lost their loved ones in this horrific act of violence. However, my question to administrators is this: If you are approached by a group of students who wish to protest Planned Parenthood’s killing of more than eight million unborn children since 1970, would you be as open-minded to tell these students that you agree and support their position and a 17-minute demonstration?
Abortion is a very emotional issue, and this letter will draw criticism, but how can we not say that abortion is also a horrific act of violence? The children who lost their lives at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School lost their futures, but the victims of abortion have lost theirs as well.
Thomas C. Wilkinson, Ph.D