LETTER Think before casting next vote

After surviving the slime of the last few election cycles, it is incumbent on me to register my disgust over what passes for voter outreach and education.
By their very nature, elections and campaigning have always been partisan, and personal attacks and guttural swipes are nothing new. However, in the last few years, the level of personal disrespect, intentional inaccuracy, and unabashedly crude responses has risen to previously unseen levels.
A candidate for president openly mocks and imitates a reporter’s handicap and is given a pass. Two state gubernatorial candidates lob completely inaccurate dueling commercials at each other and justify it childishly with “He started it first” claims. The Republican candidate in the 48th primary attacks his opponent’s living situation and family business, publicly agrees the ads are disrespectful and crossed the line, but continues to let them run anyway nonstop on the airwaves.
Unfortunately for too many candidates, winning is the only thing. To expect them to honor some kind of moral compass and control their most base instincts is obviously too much to ask.
The solution lies with us, the voters. Every time you vote for one of these candidates, you embolden them to ramp up the sleaze, to lower the bar a bit lower.
We get what we deserve. Consider thinking about that before you cast your next vote.
Tom Trettel
South Strabane