LETTER Free to sit or stand for anthem

Here we go again! All the “patriotic” people demanding that people stand for the national anthem.
As this is not North Korea, nor any other dictatorship, don’t these people see that they are acting just like the dictators of the world? You have to do this! What about those in the restroom at the time the song is played? What about the people at the concession stands?
Will the selling of snacks and beer be suspended during that period? (As money is involved, I doubt that vendors will like that.) All of these freedom lovers insisting on a particular behavior doesn’t sound too free to me. In this country a certain portion of the populace is sounding more and more like little tyrants. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say you have to stand for the national anthem, nor has an amendment been offered up to demand such behavior. But in the Constitution, there is the guarantee of the right to peacefully protest. Politics and religion are becoming too intermingled in this country. And it is going to end up being a detriment to both religion and our democracy.
Christine Kelley