OP-ED: Momentous decision awaits voters in fall

”Freedom is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction.” -
Ronald Reagan
In fewer than 100 days, the voters of this currently great nation will make a momentous decision. They will vote for the president of the United States. There has never been, in the history of the nation, such a binary, night or day, right or wrong decision for this office.
The choice is this: Do we wish to continue as a constitutional republic, the United States of America, or do we wish to become a socialist state, where doing right is punished and mob rule is rewarded; where we become a failing economy and a subjugated people? There will no doubt be those who say I am engaging in hysterics or trying to scare voters. While what I say may scare voters, it is not hysterical. Everything I write in this op-ed has its basis in published information. It is an accurate reflection of the choices presented to us in November.
Consider first if you cherish the following: law and order, security for your family, free market capitalism, the Rule of Law, secure borders, safe cities, courts with impartial law and order, constitutionalist judges, a growing economy, low unemployment, low taxes, good schools and good health care. Keep these in mind because this is what you have under President Trump. Let’s look at the alternative being offered by the Democrats.
When I say Joe Biden as the Democratic candidate, I am referring to the collective Democratic candidate since I have demonstrated previously that Joe Biden is mentally incapable of holding the office and the Democrats are substituting a conglomerate “president” with Biden as its avatar.
The Biden presidency, today, is actually Biden plus Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O’Rourke. The party has been forced to mold this unholy alliance to draw in the ever leftward shift of the loyal leftists. Each contributes their own particular toxin to the platform brew.
From Pelosi and Schumer we see the plan, should they take over both the House and the Senate, to do away with the filibuster rule and then stack the Supreme Court with ultra-liberal justices so that no piece of Democratic legislation or other regulation will ever be found unconstitutional. That will allow making the District of Columbia a state, adding two permanent Democrat senators. From there they begin rewriting the Constitution beginning with the First and Second Amendments and then eliminate the electoral college, thus assuring eternal Democratic control.
From Bernie Sanders they draw a Marxist economic plan that will first eliminate all the Trump tax cuts, then raise virtually every tax in existence. There will be a reparations tax, and, of course the free college tuition (more taxes). There is also a plan to restore socialized medicine, although they are careful not to call it that. Biden says, “It’s way past time to put an end to shareholder capitalism.” (That made our nation strong.)
AOC will be in charge of implementing the Green New Deal – again they are careful not to call it that, but that is what it is. The cost is a scorching $94 trillion over 10 years. Gone will be the gas (even though they say it won’t), oil and coal industries. In their place are impossible to imagine, much less fulfill, goals of building tax subsidized wind mills and solar panels. Biden says 500,000 public electric charging stations will be built. There are only 168,000 gas stations in the US today. Another Joe gaff.
O’Rourke will become the gun-grabbing czar. It was Beto who said, “Hell, yes we’re going to take your AR-15, AK-47.”
Other plans include open borders, tearing down the existing wall, more sanctuary cities, a ban on cash bail, release of criminals, defunding police (yes, that’s right; the Democrats tried to deny it, but it’s on tape plus a quote on “redirecting” police funding, same thing), amnesty, free health care and free schooling for illegal aliens and prohibition of single family zoning in the suburbs (where you live) so suburbs can be turned into high-density extensions of cities.
So think about the things I asked if you cherish. You will have none of them if you vote for the Democratic version of hell.
The choice is simple; we can continue with the United States of America or we can be the generation that extinguishes freedom. Your choice.
Dave Ball is vice chairman of the Washington County Republican Party and a Peters Township councilman.