LETTER: United we stand

On Saturday, I watched with great pride the launching of two American astronauts. I have watched so many of them in the past and after a long wait we are going back into space. It is time to get back into space: There is so much to learn. Also on Saturday, I watched with great pain the rioting and discourse in some of our American cities. These demonstrations started out in a peaceful manner and quickly turned into something less than peaceful. It is apparent that the violent demonstrators were there for one reason – to make something that could be a useful tool to help promote change and turn it into hate. Innocent people were attacked and businesses damaged or destroyed. The horrific death in Minnesota was a horrible mistake; there was no excuse for it. But not all police officers are bad. Don’t judge them all by the inexcusable acts of a few.
I have pain when I look at our political picture and see how the election in the fall will be portrayed by the media. There are those who don’t like our president, and that is our privilege as Americans, to be free to express ourselves. But now it has become ridiculous. Prior to the coronavirus, our economy was fantastic, more black and Hispanic people were working than ever before, unemployment was at an all-time low, and the American people had gained respect in the world again. I am not saying that everything Donald J. Trump has done has been perfect. However, give him credit. He loves this country and the American people, regardless of their race.
I ask all of you to look deep into your heart and think about where we, as a nation, are and where we are going. Trump has done the best he can with so many bad situations and we are growing and improving under his leadership. The Democratic Party and its “leaders” have done everything in their power to discredit him and to try to stop him from doing what is best for our country. They think of themselves and their party and not what is best for the American people, economy and future. What has the Democratic Party done since it has been in control of Congress? Nothing but try to discredit Trump when there have been so many bills that needed to be passed. We must work together for the good of our country and not against each other. Politics doesn’t have to be a “dirty business.” United we stand!
Virginia A. Trois