LETTER: Nation needs to work together

I was determined to put my thoughts into writing today, but decided to comment on the letter that was so eloquently written by Matt Shorraw in June 2 entitled, “We must do better.”
The expressed feelings were perfect and really hit home. When will it finally sink in to see how little we have moved forward and how far backward we have fallen? If human beings would realize how much better off we all could be if we treated each other with the respect and dignity that we so rightfully yearn for … and deserve.
I am so saddened, worried, and disillusioned by what our beautiful country is suffering through, and to so many who are affected by the cruelty, and viciousness that is occurring all around us. Only bad can come from this recent decline in justice and intellect that is escalating out of control.
There isn’t one of us who can do it alone … it is a whole nation of people that needs to work better at undoing the wrong, and, I might add, with God’s help, do much better than we are.
Joanne Gump