LETTER: Time is now to privatize

Rep. Tim O’Neal hit the monopoly on its head with his recent op-ed calling for the privatization of our government-controlled liquor system. Beyond high liquor prices, poor selection, and lost state revenues, we discovered a new level of mismanagement during the COVID-19 crisis.
For example, The Commonwealth Foundation has pointed out the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) is guilty of hiking prices on 422 wine and spirit products in 2017. The foundation said the shelf prices paid by consumers have risen from 30% to 65% since the PLCB was given pricing discretion through the 2016 liquor reform law. The PLCB also plans to increase prices again this August.
I’ve been following this issue for over 20 years and am dismayed that we remain a liquor monopoly. Although, I do give credit for the introduction of beer and wine sales in supermarket and convenience stores. We now must allow consumers the opportunity to buy spirits in grocery or specialty stores.
Now, O’Neal has taken the mantle of leadership on the issue in the state Legislature with the recent retirement of House Speaker Mike Turzai’s (Allegheny). The first co-sponsor listed on O’Neal’s privatization bill, HB 2547, is Speaker Mike Turzai who has been the leading champion of liquor privatization in the General Assembly. He authored the first privatization bill to pass the House of Representatives in 2013 as well as the first to ever reach a governor’s desk that Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed.
I believe the PLCB’s dreadful performance during COVID-19 virus has given the Legislature a push to examine privatization of our government-controlled state store system. There seems to be an appetite for change that we must act on immediately.
I wish Rep. O’Neal good luck as he leads that charge in Harrisburg.
Patrick Geho