LETTER: Enough is more than enough
Another school shooting and another, “Oh well, what can we do?” I will tell you what we can do and we had better do it now.
I have voted for very few politicians who were rated highly by the NRA but I will now change that. I will make it a priority to look at voting records and NRA endorsements and never again even consider any candidate who caves to their agenda or is in favor of what they advocate.
We know that the majority of Americans are in favor of some type of limited gun control, so please, let’s make it our mission to find representatives who will pay attention to our wishes and do something. Every single day has another shooting locally and every month has a mass shooting someplace. Enough is more than enough. And if I ever hear, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” I will ask for a recounting of the number of mass stabbings or beatings that go on before I run screaming in frustration from the room.
People should have their guns for hunting and for personal protection, but I am sorry to say I do not think anybody needs assault weapons or guns that hold huge magazines. To me these sorts of weapons only have one use, and that is the killing of large groups of people in as short a time as possible. Added to that we need a solid procedure so that any gun purchaser must go through a thorough background check before they can purchase any gun.
Please. It is well past time to do something so we need to get busy and find people who will do it.
Stanley Myers