LETTER: The Biden administration

The Biden administration
Some thoughts on this administration not quite two years in:
Afghanistan: There are countless times during our battles in war when our soldiers would realize not everyone was there, and would go back, find those missing, and give comfort until help had arrived. It’s who we are, not to leave our people behind! But our commander-in-chief doesn’t fall in that mindset, as he left 200 of our people to fend for themselves. Are they still alive? And in leaving, this debacle took the lives of 13 of our troops and the lives of 10 innocent children. He capped this chaos by leaving billions in weaponry for the Taliban.
The border: Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandros Mayorkas has a lobotomized look on his face when he says the border is secure and when he says it the second time, even more haltingly. The border is not secure and millions have come in unvetted and some with bad intentions. And the American taxpayer gets the bill. How about diverting some of the billions on these people, so that our social security remains solvent without worry? And might some of the billions sent to Ukraine be forwarded to the Wounded Warriors and Tunnels to Towers, for the people who gave their all for us, so that no one has to ask for $11 a month ever again?
Abortion: A woman on MSNBC said abortion is health care. So abortion is killing babies in the womb up to the day of birth, and some are OK to continue killing even after the child’s birth. And health care is getting the care one needs for good health. So when I see a sign, abortion is health care, translation, killing babies keeps one healthy! Horrific!
Attorney General Merrick Garland: This man says the greatest threat to our country is domestic violence from right-wing extremism. I guess this includes moms and dads who only want the same education for their children, as Garland himself had as a child. And when we see all of these carjackings and violent assaults on clerks breaking into stores during smash and grab robberies, does Garland want us to think these are all Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and QAnon? Is that what we are looking at? And there have been so many instances of women being pushed in front of trains, down stairs, and raped on subways. So many violent assaults in the streets. Where is Mr. Garland?
Recently, Gary Stout wrote in an op-ed that the immature have the weapons. I don’t know how he makes this conclusion, but I know this: those being assaulted would have loved to have one of those immature around at the time, to make sure their attacker felt the pain from what they were carrying!
I’ll close without even responding to the price of food, gas and inflation. But if anyone truly believes our border is secure, our people are safe in the streets and our country is better off since this administration took over, then you are not facing up to reality, and you insult your fellow Americans denying everything we see before us.
Robert J. Bonanno