OP-ED: Our citizens come first

When I am out in the community, I am always asked about my support of the energy industry.
In fact, several weeks ago, David Ball, in an op-ed that appeared in the Observer-Reporter also asked readers to consider my support of the energy industry during the primary election campaign for county commissioner. As an elected official, I always answer questions clearly. I believe in the safe, responsible extraction of our natural gas resources for the benefit of our economy and the creation of American jobs. Washington County has been a leader in energy development for nearly 20 years and we need to continue that success.
I also believe, like most of our citizens believe, that natural gas development should be allowed in areas zoned for drilling, and that residents, not corporations, should decide where they want drilling in their communities. I always protect the private rights of our citizens first and I am willing to join others in that fight.
An example is when Ball – a recent chairman of the Washington County Republican Party – was a named plaintiff in a case where Ball opposed drilling in residential areas.
Joining his efforts were Peters, Robinson and Cecil townships. All three townships entered the case because they agreed with Ball’s correct reading of the constitutional limitations on “where” drilling can take place. It needs to be clear that the townships supported drilling, but not in residential areas. I think we can all agree on that. We wanted to encourage drilling in our areas while protecting our citizens’ rights to ensure that the value of their biggest financial investment – their homes – increased and did not decrease due to proximity of drill sites in residential areas. We believed that the advancements in horizontal drilling allowed companies to access natural gas away from neighborhoods without being in neighborhoods. With Ball leading our efforts, we allowed our citizens the best of many worlds – permitted safe drilling away from residential areas, letting homeowners enjoy their property and contribute to our county’s energy independence.
Ball said it best himself when he stated in this newspaper on March 1, 2016 that “I’m protecting Peters Township residents.”
I agree with Ball that the individual rights of our citizens and their property come first. Hopefully, the Republican candidates for county commissioner will follow Ball’s example and will not allow natural gas companies to drill near residential areas in places like North Strabane, Cecil or Peters townships.
I promise you as a current township supervisor and, with the voters’ support, a future Washington County commissioner, I will never forget that our citizens come first.
Cindy Fisher is the chairperson of the Cecil Township Board of Supervisors and a Democratic candidate for Washington County commissioner.