Putin must be defeated totally
The opinion section cartoon which appeared in the Dec. 6 edition made a point about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The cartoon provided these options on how to respond to the Russian invasion:
Option A: ” Russia invades Ukraine, send your money.”
Option B: “Russia wins and invades NATO, send your sons.”
There is an even bigger problem, though. It can be expressed by Option C:
“China invades Taiwan, send your warships, air force, and even more of your sons,” then kiss your lifestyle goodbye.
As reported on The Economist newsite, Taiwan produces over 60% of the world’s semiconductors and over 90% of the most advanced ones. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TMSC) is the largest chip foundry in the world. They are making efforts to expand production overseas, outside Taiwan. But in the meantime, should Ukraine be forced to capitulate to Vladimir Putin and China does indeed invade Taiwan, we all will have problems replacing our automobile circuit boards, buying new appliances, and maintaining internet connections. Since Apple gets all its custom chips from TSMC as well, plan on keeping your present iPhone for some indefinite time into the future too,
While certain factions of Congress are withholding Ukrainian funding due to unrelated Mexican border issues, these congressmen are missing this bigger picture, that Russia and China could both win.
Congress needs to send more weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine now.
Ray Doperak