LETTER: What Trump could deliver
Well OK, Donald Trump won. As citizens, we are duty-bound to live with that. This demands a clear and final proclamation that Democrats did not cheat in 2020, and they certainly did not cheat in 2024. If they were so good at cheating, then they must have gotten really horrible at it in this election.
We are about to witness Trump’s new administration, which will be staffed with toadies, totally devoid of ethics, expertise and experience. An astute prediction is that this administration will be replete with chaos, far worse than his first term.
Political scientists and historians have warned that demagogues seize power and topple democracy by foisting immense amounts of false rhetoric onto a gullible public. We will see slow but steady progress in dismantling 245 years of Madisonian democracy. All those who voted for Trump will rue the day they elevated an incompetent, mean-spirited man to the presidency. I can find no redeeming qualities in him.
Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, reasoned that the general population is incapable of understanding the vast responsibilities of democracy. The worse outcome may come to pass with Trump and his legions of blinded followers.
Woe be it to our nation and to the free world.
Ronald J. Yamka