LETTER: Can’t blame hospital strikers
It’s been eight months since the UPMC takeover of the Washington Hospital and those pesky union-member employees are at it once again. And I can’t blame them. Karen Mansfield’s article in the Wednesday edition succinctly outlines the workers’ grievances and desires.
With the buyout came various promises, one of which is $30 million per year over 10 years to enhance, among other things, clinical services. These folks provide infrastructure for the institution’s clinical services and overall well being. In short, they are exceedingly valuable.
It’s interesting to ponder where this year’s $30 million is sitting right now. Is it being used? Has it even materialized? What of that $15 million promise to the hospital foundation? Has that come to pass? What of that private jet and its flights to various destinations? What of the $17.8 million payout to a former employee a year this person retired. As these administrators are wont to say, “It is what it is”. (Eek! Those words are like fingernails on the chalkboard.) Forgive me, please. I digress.
Come on UPMC Washington powers that be. Be a good playmate with these people. The means appear to exist. They are essential to you and to me and to our community as a whole.
Douglas T. Corwin, Jr.
East Washington
Douglas Corwin is a member of East Washington’s borough council.