A Little Lift, a Blueprints Project

“A Little Lift,” the Blueprints program that mobilizes donations from the community to help its clients overcome a variety of barriers to self-sufficiency and independence, is a truly unique initiative. Under this program, the community joins together to help provide funds (often in small amounts) so that Blueprints can lighten the financial burden for families in need of a little help.
Washington Financial has been supporting Little Lifts since 2020 with our employee-led committee funding 183 lifts for a total of over $40,000. We have an additional $15,000 allocated to fund lifts in 2024. Through our support, we have helped single parents with childcare necessities, baby formula and transportation expenses in order to keep a job and basic housing needs for families who had been homeless. These stories touched us so deeply that our employees held an on-site drive for baby items to help Blueprints clients in need.
A few of Washington Financial’s Little Lift committee members gave us their thoughts:
Sandy Samples, CRA Officer: “The Little Lift program and Washington Financial Bank Little Lift committee quite simply change lives in our community in such positive ways! I am proud to be a part of it all!”
Dianne Hirko, AVP/McMurray Branch Manager: “Living in the community, I was always aware of how much Washington Financial gives back. It wasn’t until I joined Washington Financial last April that I realized how much of a positive impact our Bank has! When the Little Lift program was seeking new volunteers, there wasn’t any hesitation to serve on this committee and being part of helping those in need. It has been a very rewarding experience!”
Betty Smith, Teller, Washington Office: “It is a joy and an honor to serve on a committee that is part of a bigger program (Blueprints) that helps people get their footing on the road to better days.”
Washington Financial remains committed to helping the communities we serve. We encourage you to visit alittlelift.org for more heartwarming stories and to see how you might be part of this program.
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