Suspended Charleroi attorney Keith A. Bassi pleaded guilty Monday to charges stemming from allegations he stole more than $500,000 from an elderly client suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and funneled some of it into the accounts of a Mon Valley newspaper.Federal prosecutors ...
MONESSEN – People began filling a supermarket parking lot in Monessen three hours before President John F. Kennedy was to arrive there to campaign for Democratic candidates in a midterm election.Police from throughout the Mon Valley were stationed in storefronts, members of the Secret Service ...
Monongahela City Council heard Wednesday from residents concerned about traffic safety issues.Resident Chad DeSantis addressed council about speeding in certain neighborhoods, especially on Decker Street and Third Avenue. He asked if speed bumps or stop signs could be installed to deter the ...
A student at Ringgold Middle School displayed a BB gun on a school bus and allowed other students to hold it, district officials said.The incident occurred during an afternoon ride on bus 52 last Thursday, according to a letter posted on the Ringgold School District website the next day. It was ...
BROWNSVILLE – Centerville resident Tiffany Watson recently replaced her home’s HVAC unit, television, dishwasher and microwave – adding up to thousands of dollars she says are owed to her by her electric provider.“I’d like to see West Penn Power held accountable for damages,” she ...
Robert W. Urwin failed to show former judge Paul Pozonsky was high on cocaine during Urwin’s trial in the 1977 murder of 16-year-old Mary Gency, another Washington County judge ruled.That finding was part of Judge John F. DiSalle’s ruling, filed Wednesday, denying a petition by Urwin, 60, ...