Hot Shots, August 2013

Allan Jack got this close-up photo of a skipper moth.

Amanda Durbin took this photo of hummingbirds visiting her feeder right before dark.

J.T. Himmelrick took this photo of the Clemente Bridge from PNC Park after heavy storms in mid-July.

Kerry Pigeon of Scenery Hill took this photo of one of many painted lady butterflies fluttering around the black-eyed Susans in her garden.

Debbie Dorsey, center, and Jamie Warrender, both workers for The Winery at Wilcox in Elk County, wore their best T-shirts Sunday while pouring drinks for patrons at the Washington County Wine, Jazz & Pops Festival in North Strabane Municipal Park. In the background, Jackie McFarland of Butler takes a swig during the second day of the festival that attracted 11 wineries and numerous crafts vendors.

Jane Matchett said she barely spotted this hungry caterpillar camouflaged in a birch tree in the front yard of her home in Bulger.

Gary Grau of Waynesburg took this photo of the sunset at a recent Washington Wild Things game.

Amanda Durbin sent us this photo of her African blood lily, which she said finally bloomed recently after being grown from a root.

And that's why they call it a butterfly bush. Linda Boice of East Washington sent us this close-up of a butterfly having a snack in her backyard recently.

Who needs a guard dog when you have this guy? Bernita Defibaugh sent us this photo of a longhorn lounging on the front stoop of an old schoolhouse in Independence Township.

Tom Northrop took this shot from the "backyard" at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello as his wife, Peggy, and Jon and Karen Segal walked around the grounds. This side of Jefferson's home is depicted on the back of the nickel.

Amanda Durbin of Washington took this photo of two bees hard at work on a sunflower in her yard.

Lisa Lane of Canonsburg got an inquisitive look from this photogenic goat at the Washington County Fair.

Cathy Mohney of North Franklin Township said she hadn't seen a praying mantis in more than 10 years, until she spotted this one hanging out among her plants.

There were lots of pigs, cows and chickens at the Washington County Fair, but Estelle Woodburn of Independence Township spotted these exotic fellows.

The cows have literally come home at the Primrose residence of Nedra Ursitz. The artwork was painted by Nedra's daughter, Jessica Ursitz.

This photo just shouts out, "Summertime!" From left, best friends Jacob Kazakewicz, Tyler Lingis and Anthony Lingis enjoy a relaxing evening at Peters Lake.

Tina Lasko took this photo of the Barronvale Bridge, also known as Barron's Mill Bridge, a historic span in Middlecreek Township, Somerset County, that crosses Laurel Hill Creek. At 162 feet, 3 inches, it is the longest surviving covered bridge in that county.

There might not have been a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but one would think it had to bode well for this drilling operation in Independence Township. The scene was captured by Range Resources drilling consultant Mike Mary. (Photo submitted by Matt Pitzarella)

Lisa Lane of Canonsburg took this photo of a cloud formation that seems to include a set of spooky-looking eyes.

Talk about a bird's-eye view. Jo Ellen Dryburg of McMurray shot this photo of a turkey vulture that took quite an interest in the goings-on inside a local office building.

John and Bruce Grice of Folly Hollow Farm wondered why they had not seen an actual meter reading on their electric bill for a couple of months. This hornets nest covering the front of their meter just might be the reason. (Photo by Bridget McConn)

Clarine McCabe, 13, took this photo of the Grand Canal during a stopover in Venice, Italy, on the way home from a tour of Croatia with the St. George Junior Tamburitzans of Cokeburg.

Suzanne Pierson took this photo of a bumblebee buzzing around a Canadian bull thistle in Aleppo, Greene County.

Oh, Deere. Brian Fulton sent us this photo of his collection of John Deere equipment, from very large to very small, at his home on McBride Road in Canonsburg. From left are a JD 520, JD 820, JD Gator, JD 110 and a John Deere pedal tractor.


Wndy Horne of Washington got this photo of four big bucks while taking an evening walk recently.

Former Claysville resident Jeff Filby snapped this photo of a colorful caterpillar crawling along the sidewalk by The Lodge at Geneva State Park in Geneva-on-the-Lake, Ohio.

Emily Harger/Observer-Reporter Jillian Chappel, a volunteer from Southwest Training Services, smiles after seeing her newly painted face at the 10th annual Prevention Fair in the Park on Friday afternoon at the Vernon Neal Sports Complex in Washington.

Amanda Durbin got this close-up of a big spider waiting for its next meal in her flower bed.