Area Agency on Aging provides many services
Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Aging provides numerous programs and services to older area residents. They include:
• Aging waiver program – The program provides in-home services for consumers found to be clinically and financially eligible for nursing facility care who prefer to receive their care at home.
• APPRISE insurance counseling – Provides free face-to-face and telephone assistance with issues related to Medicare statements, filing appeals, applying for extra help, clarification of Medicare-covered expenses and comparisons of Medicare Advantage and supplemental insurance policies for maximum coverage.
• Assessment – Provides a comprehensive, clinical assessment of a consumer’s need for aging services to determine the most appropriate and effective resources available to meet those needs.
• Care management – Coordinates the care, planning and delivery of all services to individuals in need of services to assure the maximum possible independence within the community.
• Congregate meals – Hot, nutritious meals that meet one-third of the recommended dietary allowances provided five days a week to older adults gathered at area senior community centers. Meals are free of charge for individuals 60 or older and their spouses, although donations are suggested.
• Domiciliary care – Provides supervised alternative group-home living arrangements for those unable to live alone due to physical or mental impairment. This service is available to adults 18 years of age and older. Dom care home providers are paid a monthly tax-exempt reimbursement for up to three individuals.
• Family caregiver support – Provides assistance to persons caring for an older adult living in the community. In addition to one-time grants for renovations, this support program includes benefits counseling, education, information on community-care providers and limited financial assistance to enhance the caregiver role. The program also assists older caregivers caring for relatives 18 years of age and younger.
• In-home services – Covers a wide range of needs such as light housekeeping, home repair and maintenance to ensure a safe and sanitary environment, as well as personal assistance services such as assistance with activities of daily living in the home.
• Home-delivered meals – Provides well-balanced, appetizing meals that meet one-third of the recommended dietary allowances to those individuals assessed as having difficulty with preparing nutritious meals.
• Intake and assistance – Provides information, receives referrals for aging services, conducts pre-screenings for the agency’s assessment unit, and make referrals to other agencies in the community that provide the specific services needed by the individual.
• Legal services for the elderly – Provides professional consultation and representation on various legal matters. Services are limited to civil, non-fee generating issues.
• Nursing home transition – Provides assistance to residents of nursing facilities to return to the living environment of their choice. The program supports consumers by coordinating services to help maintain an individual in the community as long as they choose.
• Older adult daily living centers – Provide a structured program of social, recreational and health services for older adults who are not capable of full-time independent living. Some centers are able to offer access to specialized services such as physical and/or occupational therapy.
• Ombudsman – Provides an advocacy force through investigation and resolution of complaints made by or on behalf of consumers in long-term care facilities, to protect and enhance the health, safety, welfare and rights of consumers receiving long-term care.
• Outreach – Provides speakers on various subjects regarding aging services and programs as well as representation and literature for various community functions. The service includes, but is not limited to, provision of evidenced-based programming such as chronic disease self-management and fall prevention programming.
• Protective Services – Establishes programs for training, information and public education concerning elder abuse. Staff investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults and provides resources and supports to prevent, detect, reduce, or eliminate such abuse of older adults. Call 1-800-537-2424.
• Senior community centers – The service area includes 24 senior centers, 14 satellite centers that provide hot, nutritious meals, recreation, socialization, education and volunteer opportunities.
• Senior community services employment program – Provides part-time job training in public and nonprofit agencies to low-income persons 55 years of age and older. The goal is to prepare and assist individuals seeking employment with public and private employers.
• Senior Times newspaper – A monthly newspaper containing articles, schedules of events, senior center activities and other news to educate and entertain older adults.
•Socialization/recreation – In addition to senior community centers, various programs and activities that promote healthy lifestyles are provided, including the annual Senior Games and victory celebration and awards banquet, annual golf tournament and regional health fairs.
• Transportation – A widely-coordinated effort to provide transportation for older adults to and from senior community centers, medical facilities and human service agencies, in conjunction with the individual county shared-ride programs for senior citizens 65 years and older.
• Volunteer opportunities – A partial listing includes delivery of meals to the homebound, serving on leadership boards, volunteering at senior community centers, and through the APPRISE insurance counseling program.
SPHS Area Agency on Aging offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The corporate office is at 305 Chamber Plaza, Charleroi, call 724-489-8080, ext. 4430.
The Greene County office is at 93 E. High St., Level B, Waynesburg, call 724-852-1510; the Washington County office is at 150 W. Beau St., 216 Plaza Building, Washington, call 724-228-7080.