I am a racist
I didn’t think I was a racist. But I believe under the new rules I certainly am.
I agree that the Attorney General should disclose all he has on “Fast and Furious,” on Benghazi, and the IRS scandal. The American people deserve to know. Racist!
I disagree with the current healthcare laws and the destruction of the entire healthcare system to fix a problem for 37 million uninsured that are still uninsured. There are better ways to have achieved the solution. We could have spent all the money on the failed web site and funded the personal healthcare of those 37 million. But my disagreement labels me a racist, and I hate the uninsured poor!
My religion teaches me that homosexuality is a sin and that marriage is between a man and a woman, Homophobe! Hatemonger!
I am concerned that the Islamic world is violent towards the West and Christians, Islomophobe! Racist!
I disagree with the way the current Russian invasion of Ukraine is being handled by Secretary of State Kerry. Racist, he hates Russians or at least tall white people!
I totally dislike Hilary Clinton and just about anything she says or does. Racist, he has declared a war on women!
A fellow just can’t win today.
I believe that when one uses these derogatory phrases to label another, it only shows us their ignorance and fear toward debate on a subject that may have merit. When have Americans not been able to discuss anything that is on our minds? We just can’t tolerate this form of PC speech that denies honest and open discussion of issues and concerns that need to be expressed. This behavior is childish and diminishes the possibilities of a greater understanding of ourselves and each other.