
Happy Purim!
In Israel and all over the world, Jews and those who believe are celebrating the Feast of Purim this weekend. It is the time of the year when they celebrate the victories that Queen Esther got over evil Haman in Shushan the Palace under King Ahasuerus.
She and her Uncle Mordechai saved Israel, and Mordechai took over that which Haman ruled over for the Kingdom, and Esther became the best Queen ever in Hebrew history as we know it.
When I think of this situation, I think of the scripture Matthew 25:29 that tells us “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”
Haman thought that he had his position under the King, which it did seem so in the flesh yet in the spirit, he had nothing.
People are eating, drinking, dancing, preparing like the Holiday of Happiness and Victory that it is. They even bake certain sweets shaped like a triangle called “Haman’s Hat,” sweets are shaped like Haman’s Hat….a triangle. They dress up in costumes and stroll around making people laugh and smile.
Doesn’t it sound fun? You can do it too! Just smile and be happy for the Divine Intervention that has been in your life. A Rabbi once told a story about a shirt that fell from a clothesline. It fell in the mud. The man looked at the t-shirt and said, “I’m glad I wasn’t in that shirt when it fell!”
How do you look at life? Do you see the things that could have happened to you that didn’t? Write down everything that could have happened to you. Read it again to yourself. You have much to thank God for. Divine Intervention is a blessing.
Purim is also a time of giving. You are blessed when you give to others. The bible says that we shouldn’t let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. Just give! When you open your hand to give, it allows God to deposit more blessings into your hand.
For Haman had plotted to annihilate the Jews and he cast a pur (that is, the lot) to terrify and annihilate them. But when she (Queen Esther) appeared before the king, he commanded that Haman’s wicked scheme should recoil on his own head. Therefore they called these days “Purim” from the word “pur.”
Happy Purim! March 15th, 2014 (on Saturday). But it’s okay to start now. God bless!