/ Biggest Winner 2016 Jan 14, 2016 1 min read 1 / 15Elise Duranko of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.2 / 15Arlea Hoffman of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.3 / 15Jasmine Blussick of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.4 / 15Katie Roupe of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.5 / 15The Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.6 / 15Arlea Hoffman of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.7 / 15Grace Northrop of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.8 / 15The Observer-Reporter Over 40 Team.9 / 15Tom Northrop of the Observer-Reporter Over 40 Team.10 / 15Francesca Sacco of the Observer-Reporter Under 40 Team.11 / 15Editor Liz Rogers works out her core with a set of bicycle crunches. 12 / 15Director of News Lucy Corwin finishes holding her bridge during an early morning workout session. 13 / 15Publisher Tom Northrop stretches his legs working on their strength during an intense morning workout. 14 / 15Marketing assistant Francesca Sacco stretches after finishing her workout with some spin.15 / 15The Over 40 team for the Observer-Reporter completes a round of crunches to add to their morning workout. [expand] close