Southpointe letter
To me, Dr. Stephanie Urchick is a name that’s synonymous with Southpointe. She first came to the park back in 1997 with California University of Pennsylvania – and that was the beginning of a 21-year relationship.
As the executive director of the Southpointe CEO Association, a position she took in 2010, she was instrumental in connecting businesses and people to each other in Southpointe and Southpointe II. She’s also been a long-time contributor to this publication, with her Executive Decision column (it’s taken a hiatus this month, but will return in the next issue). At the same time, she was also traveling the world with Rotary International, an organization she has been a part of since the early 1990s, and running Doctors at Work, a company that provides consultation and training in various areas to help individuals thrive at work or at home.
So, a few months ago when she called me to tell me she was retiring from the CEO Association, I was surprised. I have to admit, though, that the editor in me was excited to have a July cover story so early.
You might know where this is going, given her extensive and impressive resume – she may be retiring from the Southpointe CEO Association, but she isn’t going to be sailing off to leisurely days on the golf course or yoga studio. No, Urchick will be upping her role at Rotary. But I don’t want to spoil the story for you – turn to Rick Shrum’s profile on page 6 for the rest.
Southpointe is home to a number of large corporations, as you know. But thanks to its proximity to Interstate 79 and a number of South Hills suburbs, it’s attracted smaller businesses of diverse areas. Benjamin Marcus Homes, the custom, luxury home builder, recently opened a design studio in Southpointe. Their homes are impressive, beautiful and no two are alike. President Mark Hoskins chose Southpointe for the reasons mentioned above, as well as the amenities that the business park offers. Their clients can not only select all of the plans and finishes for their home on-site, but when they are finished, they can grab a bite to eat at a number of amazing restaurants, they can get a round of golf in, shop, or even get a manicure and pedicure! Read the story on page 8.
Hopefully, you are taking advantage of all that Southpointe has to offer this summer. Don’t forget about the Southpointe Farmers Market at Southpointe Town Center. Find more on what’s going on in our Datebook on page 4.
Until next time,