
Feed the Fight

3 min read

Katie Unger-Chipps – We’ve we’re at the end of it, we’re pausing for a moment, wanted to say, i realized there was one more sponsor, Campbell’s Insurance also donated. We asked for donations from the comunity, we have first responders who are putting their lives on the line, it hadn’t hit washington county, everytihng was shut down, one of the big things we pay attention to in LWC is revitaliztion of down town and bringning small busineses bakc. Downtonw wahsington is staring to reeemrge, seeing businesses and restaruants coming bak on the uptic, and then COVID happpened, i turned on CBS news in march, woman in Wash dc said all of her friends in restaruant busienss were sturgigling, not going to survive, if she can do that, we’re going to todo that. Ask community to donate moeny, 100 percent of meny went to first responders, we wer able to feed all first responsders from Police, EMS and fire, we worked with captains and tried to cover two shifts, hope was that we got jsut about veryobyd. We chose local restuarnat,s that menat only mom and pop stores, no locally owned chaines like subway and chick fil a, we didn’t use, we wanted to keep the mom and pops in busines. As donatations came in, we talked with WCCF, if we come up with $5,000, they’d give $5,000, in less than 2 weeks we had it, all chambers putshed it out, contacted commissioners, we had support of the support of the communityu, we ordered food from first responders and delivered it, they took pics, it was a chance to say thabnk you police offer, and also Chiccos is open, and i’d put the links in, so you could see their menu, tried to make eppele aware they wer still in business, let’s make this a win-win Washington County and also gave $100 gift cards to each of the Wasgibgnton County hospitals, They’re using them to thank emplouees. A lot of donations were for ERs and ICUs, there are a lot of other people who maek the hospital go around, in our minds, there’s more than just that department, the janitors haev always been impoeratnt but they’re really important now, custoemr servies, nurses pulled in from other units. These gift cards, each hospital has come up with a way to give them awawy to other employees in the hosptisal whose departments might have been recognized from the outside. 

We concluded the project, we thought things would be much different, we literally have a couple dolalrs left in the account, just to keep it opne in case we feel we need to keep it oopen in the fall and winter time. Essentially all money donated has been given away. 

Chicco’s bacello, lisa will , michael at Angelo’s and Casey at perk up cafe in mon valley. May – been a couple months. 

i want its’ safe to order from them. 


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