
N95 MasksW

6 min read

I am a ressller, not manufcturue, hae relationships with us and intl manufratureres. 


I don’t belive there’s a shortate of masks, prices have droped 2/3 for everything excitp a certian kind of glove, they’re extremeily, so 60 to 070 percent reduction in price. 

I sell to hospitals, clinics, dentistsoffice a couple weeksago, in general, it s’just the systme has righted itself, the supply chain was all out of whack but it’s ball back to nortmal. 

The proudcts are realdily are available and the price has gone down consideriably. Whatever they were selling for $1 six weeks ago, they’re selling for 30 cents now.

Zmabelli – i own a tehconlogy companiy here inus and China,deal in high tech tecnology, and energy, shale gas drilling, before i was invovled in bringing robots to china forcarmanufactirinog, i have contacts, established fromspendginover 30 yearsin mbuess, workingwithChina,

From what i’m hearing and i’ve been trying to help and sell ppe, not something i did before, when cv caome on before i wanted to help, i hadvery god conatcat avaialbe, to helpt. My family is 

You have to have faith in the qpopel you’re gdealign with, makingsure they don’t try to rip you off. So when this came along,i thingough it was one way to try to htlep pa and the city of pgh, i got invovled, trying to work with state,DCEDand cit of piggtsburg.Right now the availabiibliy of surgiacla masks or KN95 masks are readily available,you can easily get hose, the prices have come donw a lot, it does invovle minimum quanitty orderlevels, but a lot of peopel are bringingthat into the us aheadof time and selling out of inventory.

Wheat i am hearing is the N95 makss are difficult to get and the reason for that is the governmtent said they were going to take responsibnlity of that, they’s ve told companties in teh u.s. to mangufuatcte them, government was seizing them at the ports, from people who were bringing masks over,government says they’re ours, too bad, also we’ve brought over many air cargo planes from s. korea and china, that have contributed to us, the Patriosts brought over some,Government said it was their job and let the states fend for themselves, they were competing againgst each other. 

Govt said we will now take respoisiblity for the supoy chain, and they have, but I dno’t knwo where then N95 masks go, they say they’ll bring 2 milioninot that sate, i’m not sure who’s distirbuting them and where they go. Especailly dentist offices, i get 10 calls a day for N95 masks and I say i’m sorry.

I’m noteven trying to bring them in at this point because of governemtn threat tahty they’ll take them . We have astopped tryhing to importthe N95s, they wont’ even reimburse you.

I’ve heard of many large shiptmetn. s coming in. 

I’ve heard storieswherehey i have one, Dnetal officeswerwe particularly. wehn they startedto have to open upfor electivesurgery, a month agothey were all allowed to open up. We saidwecould offer KN95, not asgood,only real differenceN95 has full face loops, KN95 has ear loops, doesn’t give as tight a fit as a true N95, but and N95 Frank Zambelli. 

True N95 

China decided KN95 is their standard, more comfortable and good enough. 95 stands for particles coming in . KN95 and N95,many studies doen on it, both the same in efficienty, difference is in comfort level. Workers say i need the mostprotection i can get. I have one myself. I’ve brought home samples. 

Price is much different. N95 is running, you can get them, sites will sell them for $5 each, KN95 for $3 each. 

This was done very inappropriately, the fed govt should have said this is a problem, we’re goingto use our buying resrouseces to solve the problem, they soudln’t have states competing against each other, 

We have comapniesin the Us.S. that’s making masks, one in Pa., proesident just visisted them. Allentonw. KN95 are just as good, there’s lots now, tehre aer some companies that are making them in the U.S., they’re makiing N95, and many companies importaing them from China, about 1,000 companies are producing them. Within 2 weeks they went from 100 to 1,000, in china they responded to what the governmetn wanted to do.

We have connections with good quality control proceucres, when we bring in a prodiuct, we know it’s a good produge, there are omcpanies in China though that weren’t good, because so many opened. 

CDC – there were 80 companies allowed to bring makssin from china, they reduced that list to 14 that are authroieddzed vendors from China. Those 14 companies know we’re approvied so they incrased the price, eveyboyd wants those 14 cmopaines. 

There’s a huge markup on making this product, they’re making it for 50 cents and selling for $3 

Cuomo said it’s ridiculous that we’re competing against each other, 

You buy from a broker now, not right from the manufacturuer, you go through 3 or 4 brokers. Governmetn should have done an assessment, said we need 100 million masks, gone to the vendor and cut out middle man and said i’m biuyring from you. we didn’t do that and we’re not doing it, there’s more competitoin in there now, prices have gone donw becuase there’s more competitiotn and U.S> clmpanies make them, so prices have dramatically dropped, chinese recognize supply and deman.

I just got quotes today from malaysia, india,  There’s a trade conflict etween U.S. and china, the  tariff situation is really bad, we put one on them, they put one on us and back and forth, it’s difficult to find out what the tariff is going to be, it’s us, teh consumfer, paying the tariff. We have tariffs on it and you can’t find out what the tariff is, if you want to know buy some and we’ll let you know.

I’m abusinessman, i want to helpbut… i’ve complained to theh state. I brought sampels to find out cost and i coudln’t understand what the cost was.  I put in a dispute to the government, govt siad we will get back to you within 90 to 100 days. 

We’re jacking prices up a little bit unforntualtey because we’re not sure what the tariff is going to be. But governemnt doesn’t want you to buy from china so they’re fine with taht. 

My hwolse purpse was to help pa and pittsburgh try to get through this. I adviersties we’re trying to help fight this terrible pandemic 


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