

4 min read

I’m just ehere to supsport, i know there’s good people out there, i know there’s good cops, the police officers out here, and i just wanted to do my part and show up ans support,  Valerie Ivery of Canonsburg

I’m hoping for a peaceful protest, hoepuflly we’re going to have a pecaeful protest. I support their cause, the incident with mr. floy shod never have ever happened, we’re bsicaly here to make sure their voices are heard and it’s done in a apeacufl manner.

Kurt – we just want to show people what the real cause is, lot of miesledading things in the media, people misconsturing what we cant to come ouf of thei sthe looint and the rioting, therese things are a result of years of accumulated bad things done to a group of people, GF wasn’t the first incident, we’re trying to raise awareness, help people understand all we eant is to be treated the same as you. The mulititue of people that are not even of color today show there area a lot of people that are with the cause. No animiostiy in the air, people aren’t even lookin ga boarded up windows. we’re going to leave them alone and . They have a right to do what they want to do to protect themselve,s w’ere just ogin to peacuallfuly walk the streets and do our thing. 

Been pulled over several times, lot of teammates are AA. 

What borught me here is the long hitosyr and knowledge that black and borwn bpepole are not terated the same in theis country, theri is police violence against them that is unfair, i have always been passionate about this cause, what’s happening now, with george floeyd is just such a terrible thing, a terrible crime, i don’t think all cops are bad, i dont think all anydobyd is bad, but i think its a real issue a nd i am tryly hoping there is real change to address it.  Andrea Michalski, Peters Township

Jo Jo Burgess, We want it to be peacueful, opened with prayer, for a peaceful rally, whenever the scaffolding is taken from the front of hte coutrouse, that’s when change will hapen, We thank you that you have brought us together to speak justice, speak equality, god i thiank you that our viocies will be heard, in the naem of jesus i decleare breakthrough, as we tbreak through that you be here to break the chanins of oppression, that you break the chains of disunity. 

Jo Jo Burgess of Washingtion, 20 years ago we stood here for somethign else, we sotod here for a Klna rally, did you see windows boarded up for a Kaln rally. 

This is washington county, not even a year ago in wash co, we had a kid in NS waving a n AK 47, state police took hinm down. Taht kid is white. 

This is a Washington County pgrom, how many of you pepole here now regietesterd and voted on tuesday, Trump has et to condembn 

WE need to get peopel that are going to systematically going to put us back in the game, we are not going to do that by sitting there. we just had sweeping change in the last election. Get up and do exactly what these you men started to do right now, low election turnout. If ew want true change, we need to get out in november. We got a fight. A lot of people say we don’t want fighint riotiong and civil disopebienec. We need to get youg guys engaged in their community. 

This is not just afrect a black problem this is an american problem, social injsucte touches eerybody. NAACP president


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