
Dr. interview for smoke

2 min read

no wquweiton Thera are some people more vluneabale than otherer’s because the y don’t have the option to get out of the bad air. 

2.5 is around all year round. when we see wildreise so teexente were are design in cnanda, puts it in range children, pregnant topple shave more risk, so on days like today, you can smell it and tast3e it and you know it has to be going into your lungs.

we used masks during covid 19 pandemic, we’re talking about particle n-95 masks, n-95 masks are recommended for exprisorse. 

the simplest thing might be a sense of more tickle in throat, cough, shortness of breath, warning sign, people with lung condition might notice that, you’re experience condiidngis and don’t have lung condition might be sung 

It’s alarming is  it’s concerning unfrotnatly this int’ the last time this is going to happen, there’s more wildfires in canards this year than all of last year, cc isn’t going to happen this less often, taiorl your day so you’re. not out, tighten up your house, make sure you have HEPA filters, not everybody has the ability to do this , .

Certainly they should be given potective equipment, keep well hydrated, if they’re inn the right help rescue ..

we have tor realize not all of us are affected equally, homeless, people who live where there is bad air quality, something we all have to be aware of, keep in touch with physician. 


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