Boys Soccer MVP: Dan Gormley, South Fayette
Even before he accepted an appointment to United States Military Academy at West Point, Dan Gormley already became all that he could be on the soccer pitch at South Fayette.
A four-year letterman, he played every position for the Lions except goalkeeper. He was a two-time all-section and all-WPIAL performer. This past fall, he gained all-state accolades.
Gormley sparked the Lions to a runner-up showing in Section 2 behind undefeated Moon, which went on to win the WPIAL Class 3A title. The Lions qualified for the district postseason tournament in each of Gormley’s four years.
According to South Fayette soccer coach Rob Eldridge, Gormley was one of the best leaders the program ever produced.
“He epitomizes the leadership role by setting an example for all players with his positive energy, dedication and work ethic,” Eldridge said. “He is very approachable and is sensitive to players that need support in a very competitive environment.
“Dan’s high character and qualities overflowed into the school community as well.”
Gormley maintained a 4.0+ GPA and was a member of the National Honor Society and the state chorus. He is also fluent in three languages.
Anthony Bellino senior Canon-McMillan Jake Chambers junior Charleroi Rocco Deluca senior McGuffey Blake Gabelhart junior Peters Township Jacob Glancy senior Canon-McMillan James Ivanov senior Mt. Lebanon Trevor Kocatch sophomore Belle Vernon Bryce Large junior Charleroi Arlo McIntyre junior Charleroi Tyler Reimer senior Upper St. Clair Steven Suchko senior Peters Township Jerzy Timlin senior Bentworth Landon Urcho senior Bentworth
Anthony Bellino, senior, Canon-McMillan
Jake Chambers, junior, Charleroi
Rocco Deluca, senior, McGuffey
Blake Gabelhart, junior, Peters Township
Jacob Glancy, senior, Canon-McMillan
James Ivanov, senior, Mt. Lebanon
Trevor Kocatch, sophomore, Belle Vernon
Bryce Large, junior, Charleroi
Arlo McIntyre, junior, Charleroi
Tyler Reimer, senior, Upper St. Clair
Steven Suchko, senior, Peters Township
Jerzy Timlin, senior, Bentworth
Landon Urcho, senior, Bentworth